Mississippi River


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baby Eleanor Nancy Ward

Kimball couldn't wait to hold his new little baby sister.

Simon trying to "hold" her, and me trying to fend off his little hands from hitting her head.

She is so tiny!

Kimball was very excited to see his new baby sister.

Eleanor Nancy Ward was born last night at 1:50am. She was 6 lbs, 3oz and 20 inches. This morning when the boys got up I told them their mom was at the hospital and their sister had been born. Kimball was very excited and said, "I can't wait to see what she looks like." He was all smiles. After breakfast we went to the hospital to see their new baby sister.

Today was our regional broadcast stake conference, so I took the boys with me after the hospital. Boy was that an adventure for me. I didn't go to my ward's assigned time because the boys are happier when they have their afternoon nap. So I didn't have any help because I didn't know anyone. They were really good, but my arms are sure tired from holding Simon and holding him back from wondering around. I was complemented after the meeting on "my two handsome sons" and how well-behaved they were:)


  1. how lucky are you to get to meet your new niece the day she is born! what a small little bundle! and way to go with taking them to church by yourself. not sure i would have been up for that task!

  2. Thanks Laura for posting the extra pictures they are fun to lool at. You are in the middle of all the excitement

  3. Thanks Laura for sending over the details. Our congratulations to the happy family! I love your blog, you have updated it so much! Thanks again!
    Allie and Wayne

  4. Yeah! A girl!!! Kimball kissing her is sooo cute! I'm sure you are going to have so much fun with Ella-dressing her up, introducing her to pink and all things girly!
