Mississippi River


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Visit to Idaho and Utah

I was feeling a bit cooped up in Colorado, and I wanted to get out to see some family and friends, so I decided to take a quick trip to Utah and Idaho. First I went to Provo, saw some friends, then Rosanne and I drove to Idaho to see Kevin's family and Staci. I also got to see an old roommate who had a baby a few months ago, so the trip was well worth it. I am also trying to decide whether or not I want to move back to Provo, so I can be closer to my wonderful sisters:)
Staci, me and Wes
Wes is so cute!

Me and Staci trying to play the Wii, Kyle beat me in tennis every time

cute little wes

It was so fun watching owen try to play the wii

Staci and Wes

It was fun to be all together again for the weekend, I haven't seen Staci since her wedding reception.

This house had a cool Christmas light show in Kevin's neighborhood, it was pretty sweet.

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