Mississippi River


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's always a party when the boys come to play in my room,
they always leave kicking and screaming.

Kimball making a bridge

Simon playing with my glasses, don't worry he didn't break them. Well, not in this picture, he broke them last month when I was sharing a room with him.

So right now I am pretty much Kimball's idol. He says he wants to be just like me. He has to do everything that I do. This ranges from mimicking the things I say when talking on the phone or to Aaron and Sarah, how I eat my food, what time I go to bed, and whether or not I am in my pj's. Sometimes it's pretty helpful. Like tonight for instance. Aaron was trying to get Kimball to stop watching Thomas so he would go upstairs for dinner. Aaron even suggested pausing it. Kimball shouted "No! I have to watch it!" So I come in and say, "Kimball, I am going to go eat dinner, do you want to at with me?" He immediately says, "Okay, pause it." and runs up the stairs.
Kimball also often gets upset when I leave the house in the evening, to go to institute or the singles ward FHE. On Sunday night I left for a fireside, when I was outside he threw open the door, and shouted, "Laura! Please don't go! Stay here!" Aaron later said that once I left he cried, "I'm never going to see her again."

Last week he asked if he could go to FHE with me. I told him there were no toys there so he wouldn't have any fun. He suggested that he take some toys to play with. He then said, "I just want to go with you and be with you, cause I love you Aunt Laura." What a heartbreaker huh? It's good thing he's so cute sometimes, cause he can be such a pill when he wants to.


  1. Such funny stories!! Kimball is so funny and too cute. I am excited to see the boys again soon. Although, I know I can never compete with their favorite Aunt Laura who lives with them!! :) It sounds like lots of fun being there with them. I am a little jealous.

  2. so cute! he is going to be a sad little man when you actually do leave.
